Sunday, April 11, 2010

Are university getting info on students and private info?

I'm a freshman in college and go to the university library all the time. I have a computer at home so I only use the library computers when I'm doing reaseach and such. Well I see people on their myspace, facebooks, Xanga, etc and typing away and today I wondered, are when these students are typing in their usernames, passwords, and all that stuff, can the university find out and use their passwords and such? Can't the university go back to whatever they were at and look at e-mails and messages? If so, how can I inform everyone without causing a big problem with the university who have had access to this info.

Are university getting info on students and private info?
Although a University could track such information, I doubt they would. I am sure they know what sites students are going to, but people at Universities tend to be smarter and they don't really have anything to gain by spying on students. Most Universities have the opinion that learning is paramount and if students make mistakes along the way, they shouldn't be excessively punished for it.
Reply:Why would the University want to go back and look at their MySpace or Facebook messages? Only if the student had gotten in trouble maybe. So, if the students don't do anything wrong, this shouldn't be a problem.

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