Sunday, November 29, 2009

Good photo sharing website simliar to facebooks?

I'm not just talking any ordinary one or I'd just go with

I like how allows you to frame a section of the photo and label it. This makes it so I don't have to take the photo into photoshop and mess it up.

Only issue I have with just going with facebook, is people who aren't members of facebook won't be able to see the "tagged" areas of the photos.

So to summarize, I'd like a photosharing website, anyone can view them, and I can tag areas (they highlight when person runs mouse over area), it's free...

if this fails then I will just end up using facebook... but I'd rather have more freedom with sharing these photos of my trip to family and friends.



Good photo sharing website simliar to facebooks?
You can try , I believe it's pretty much what you're looking for. Also since you have a Yahoo account you can easily sign up to it seeing as it's owned by Yahoo.


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